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Monday, October 3, 2011

My Lovely Friend

Today is a sunny bright day, I managed to walk out to the park 200m from my house for the 1st times after 2 weeks of being having breathlessness. At 7am, I took a slow step & managed to complete an hour of usual exercise with those aunties at the park. It's amazing! I thought I can't make it yet. I feel good after the exercise. Thank you God for providing me the strength.
After last week's episode, I feel so blessed to have a friend that is living so close to me & ever ready to come to my house for the first ring. She has nursed me patiently, calm me, reminder me, " go slow" , "relax" ...... she even carried me up from the chair when my pain was so severed that I could not even breath or swallow food. She was with me at home for 2 days and on the 3rd day she helped to wheel me to see Doctor in Sunway Hospital. She has a very special joyous smile, laughter and a very sweet voice (btw, she sings very well!). When ever I look at her I feel relax and influenced by her laughter too. I believe she is one of the medicine that makes me well so soon. Top secret..... at her age??? she still looks very pretty and there are men approaching her too.


counselcounsel said...

We are all lucky to have caring friends and yours definitely is outstanding! So happy to know that you are out in the park breathing fresh air.

Keep it up! More meaningful life is yet to come your way, my dear friend.

woohoo said...

Hi there, i am fren of what happens everyday and like to blogwalk from one blog to another blog and get to drop by here, keep it up with good spirit fren,

Good days give you Happiness.
Bad days give you Experiences.
Both are essential to life.

Keep going… do drop by my blog for some nice article and enjoy reading ya ... http://themyth-woohoo.blogspot.com/2010/12/fern-and-bamboo.html

Persistent said...

Thanks Woohoo for your words of encouragment. Thanks for inviting me to your blog.