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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Treatment is over!!

Praise The Lord for his mercy for the sucessfully treatment and protection during the treatment. The 5 days of tomotherapy has weaken my body and yet he gave me strength again to go thru another 3.5 hours of needle poking procedure and another day of culture cell infusion. It was another day of culture cell infusion. It was amazing when God is working on us. It was scarly at first but each time when I call on to Lord for his comfort I went thru each of the needle process, it was a total of 15 needles went thru my skin right into the tumours into my body, the deepest one could be about 3 inches. I could still remember the needle poking pain even right now. But after going thru this, needle poking it's like nothing to me. I was purging for 4 days could not eat, so Doctor suggested to give me an injection, in my mind I was like, "it's easy, come on just do it!"

I had a leakage of air in my lung after the needle on my air in my lung after the needle poke on my right lung, so on the next day, Doctor has to take it out by doing another needle on my chest to pump out the air, I was told to rest for a few more days before I fly back to KL, So I have extended my stay to 31st instead of 27th.

Today we attend a Church gathering at our Hotel for the Christmas celebration and took a short shopping tour at Shijuku, a huge shopping centre. We had a chinese dinner near our hotel and now almost ready to go to sleep.

My appetite is improving, I am able to eat half a portion today. I used to eat just 2 to 3 spoon of rice or noodle in a day. Kelvin was quite worry, keep pushing me to eat.

It another blessing from God that I am able to enjoy a little of sightseeing here while I am resting for recovery before I fly back to KL.


Robbin said...

Wonderful NEWS! Praise God indeed. It's amazing HOW you are going through ALL these and YET, you continue to gather momentum and choose to ONLY look into all the positive aspects of your difficult journey. This MUST be the work of the Holy Spirit AND this can only happen because you CHOSE to BELIEVE and have FAITH in CHRIST! Praise the Lord for His unwavering promise in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

We're all enthusiastically awaiting your return to KL..and the interesting stories of your journey.

Take care little sister...I know you may be little BUT you have a LION's heart in courage and strength. May the Lord continue to watch over you and protect you with His infinite LOVE and PEACE.

Persistent said...

Hi Bro Robbin,
You & Max has been encouraging me & supporting me through my journey, every words that were spoken are so Godly, caring...

I can't imagine if I know how to draw strength from God consistenly if without words from both of you.

Thank you & May God bless you both.