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Thursday, October 6, 2011

I am back to my daily exercise routine!

As usual I can't sleep much due to the cough, I decided to start my daily exercise even if I am lacking of sleep, again at 7am, I make it to the park with stronger step this time. I finish the one hour exercise and continue to do a slow walk for 2 rounds (about 1.5km), I made it! It's a great acheivement for me.
I decided to continue this daily exercise routine from today onwards. I feel good & breathing improved after the exercise.


WTCMM said...

Fantastic! Well Done!

Persistent said...

Thank you for your encouragement!

counselcounsel said...

Yes, we only get fresh air in the morning, lets encourage everyone who can to join in morning exercise!

woohoo said...

Yes...keep it up .. i love morning exercise too, after sweat it out ..i feel with energy, every morning i will follow the group exercise for half hour than i walk for 2-3 round than cool down, i continue for 20minis meditation,so it takes 1 hour a day, it make me feel good everyday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ai Woon,
It is great to hear that you are exercising. I usually do my exercises at the running turf of MPSJ stadium. Everyday without fail, I will walk around the football pitch at least 10 rounds. I am normally there from 5.45 pm or 6.00 pm. One of these days, hope you could join me.

Wee Ching