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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Activities in Japan

we arrived Narita Airport yesterday 6:30pm Japan time,1 hour earlier. I was fine on the plane except during take off & landing, my breathing became difficult when pressure change. As I was praying to God, I started to breath out using my mouth and that actually ease my breathing, thank you for his guidance.

We had our dinner at the airport coz' I was hungry & tired. It was very expensive as compared to the noodle house at our hotel, I just had a simple noodles and it cost me Rm35. when we eat again hotel, 2 sets of dinner costs RM40.

We took a taxi from airport to our hotel within 30 min cost us RM600!!.
Today I had my consultation, CT planning for the treatment on next Monday. I have Japanese friend it was introduced by Church member, Yukiko of DUMC Church. She is our translator, she waited for us & drove us around with her 1 year old baby, the boy is so adorable! We had great italian lunch and bought some fruits before we go back to hotel.

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