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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Two months after treatment

This is about two months after I came back from Japan's treatment.  My health condition has started to change, I am now have a few things to manage, coughing, leg swelling and abodomen pain.  It is a blessing that I am able to enjoy my well being despite of all these as long as I manage it well.  My cultured cell from Japan has arrived late that means I was not any treatment for two months.  

The Doctor in Bangsar has suggested an alternative gene treatment which uses the P53 (Gedecine), to control the growth of cancer cells and tumours.  I have received 5 treatments, some are done intra-tumour and some are done using IV.  The result may be promising too but the medecine is just too expensive, RM3000 for 1 valve, each treatment needs 3 valves.

I started my (CTL) cultured killer T-cells injection last week, I was responding to the treatment.  The second harvest of my immune cells was also and hopefully this time I will have more CTL produced.

Meanwhile I was told to start chemotherapy to assist with the limited CTL injection.   The local oncologist will suggest a lot of chemo drug for me to try but this will do a lot of harm to my body in order to give a shot, I could actual do chemo profiling to determine the chemo drug that will respond to my cancer cells.

This lab test is not available in Malaysia and any country nearer than Phillipine so I decided to fly to Manila, Phillipines to do a biosy sample and do this lab test to determine the chemo drug before starting my chemo.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your faithfulness and unfailing love, I am make strong in you day by day.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tomotherapy Machine

This is the tomotheraphy machine I used in Japan to shrink my tomours before the dentritic cell injection. This a more advance machine than the normal radition machine it turns 360 degree to cover every part of the body that requires radaiton and will do less harm to the body. Somehow I felt that the side effect is much stronger, because I vommitted everything out from my stomach almost immediate after my radiation completed.
I have to go through 5 days of radiation, each day will take about 30 minutes.
The young Japaness guy on the right with coat is our English translator, Nori san he is the only one speaks English in the C4 clinic.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Blessing after Treatment

Dear All,
It's almost a month since my last post. Chinese New Year preparation has kept me busy and I was too excited to do something which I was not be able to do for almost 6 months. I spent my time preparing, upkeeping my house, baking some cookies. For the past 6 months, I spent most of my time on the nebulizer to clear my lung, oxygen machine, attending to Doctor's appointment, hospitalized, etc. I hardly had the energy or the time to do these things. I was also excited to enjoy the quietness of KL and the good flow of traffic during the holiday week because this is the 1st time I spent my Chinese New Year celebration in KL.

I feel thankful to the God who has restored my health and the angels (bro & sis in Christ, friends & relatives) who has supported me through my tough time. I trust that God is the only source of healing for my sickness because God has sustained me through the tough treatment in Japan. Eventhough God has guided me to the great Doctor and treatment procedure, without the strength and protection from God, I am not sure if it could be successful. Before I was accepted to this treatment by the Doctor I was pre-ampted to prepare for the worst.

Anyway, I feel good now, able to eat like a normal person with good appetite, digestive system is also back to normal now. The only problem now is my left leg still weak and pain is quite disturbing at time and not able to walk for far especially shopping, so I still have to stay at home most of time.

I am praying for God's mercy to strengthen my left leg so that I could start my exercise at the park soon. At the moment I can only do some stretching exercise at home. I wish to speed up the recovery process so that I could enjoy my lively life style such as, jogging at the park, playing badminton, ping pong and swimming.

God is good all the time! God is merciful, I trust that I will be able to jog very soon.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

We arrived home at about 10pm on 31st December just in time for the count down and able catch the sight of some firewood. Our children also touched down at LCCT at 11:45pm, they were coming back from Sandakan Sabah with their grandma.

The first thing I did when I reach home was to try out my bed, it was so soft & nice. I have not been sleeping well for the entire trip(24 days) in Japan. After we have settled with the children I just went straight to sleep and I was able to sleep soundly for the first time and wake up only at 8am in the morning. For those days when I was in Japan, I will almost wake every hour and waiting for the day to come. I was aslo counting the day I could come back home.

Another wonderful news is when I left for Japan on 7th Dec I needed a wheelchair and use nebulizer a few times to clear my lung before I was ready to get on the plane, when the plane take off & landing I was so breathless that I need to use my mouth to breath out but now the great difference is when I came back from Japan I stopped using nebulizer 4 days before departure and I could walk slowly within the KLIA arrival hall without wheelchair assistance anymore.

Many of my friends, relatives, bro & sis in Christ has been praying for me to get well and get healed completely, I believe God is touched and answered our prayers. God is Good all the time!

For these 2 days, I have been enjoying my sweet bed and sleeping most of the time trying to regain my strength and energy level. I have lost quite a few kgs but I am sure I will gain it back quite soon by having good maid to cook nutritional soup and dishes for me to recuperate my health.

I sincerely would like to thank all the friends that have been supporting me for everything that I needed for the trip to Japan, especially those who has generously sponsored some fund for our trip, we feel so blessed and loved.

Thank You.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Extended Stay - Coming back KL 31/12

Today I had a great lunch & a great dinner, it is because I have recovered and able to resume my original taste bud. I was really eating & feeling hungry and craving for food after at least 3 weeks where I have to depend on Prosure milk for my nuritient. I really enjoy my meals today and I will look for my interesting Japaneses food to try tomorrow.

Just want to inform those friend who has not been informed by me, I will be extending my stay to 31st Jan due to a small complication on my lung due to air leakage, it is fixed now and waiting for recovery before I fly that is why I extending my stay.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Treatment is over!!

Praise The Lord for his mercy for the sucessfully treatment and protection during the treatment. The 5 days of tomotherapy has weaken my body and yet he gave me strength again to go thru another 3.5 hours of needle poking procedure and another day of culture cell infusion. It was another day of culture cell infusion. It was amazing when God is working on us. It was scarly at first but each time when I call on to Lord for his comfort I went thru each of the needle process, it was a total of 15 needles went thru my skin right into the tumours into my body, the deepest one could be about 3 inches. I could still remember the needle poking pain even right now. But after going thru this, needle poking it's like nothing to me. I was purging for 4 days could not eat, so Doctor suggested to give me an injection, in my mind I was like, "it's easy, come on just do it!"

I had a leakage of air in my lung after the needle on my air in my lung after the needle poke on my right lung, so on the next day, Doctor has to take it out by doing another needle on my chest to pump out the air, I was told to rest for a few more days before I fly back to KL, So I have extended my stay to 31st instead of 27th.

Today we attend a Church gathering at our Hotel for the Christmas celebration and took a short shopping tour at Shijuku, a huge shopping centre. We had a chinese dinner near our hotel and now almost ready to go to sleep.

My appetite is improving, I am able to eat half a portion today. I used to eat just 2 to 3 spoon of rice or noodle in a day. Kelvin was quite worry, keep pushing me to eat.

It another blessing from God that I am able to enjoy a little of sightseeing here while I am resting for recovery before I fly back to KL.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The next treatment 20-21 Dec

We will be leaving Chiba, Daiichi Hotel today and check into the New Otani Hotel in Tokyo city to prepare for my next treatment on 20th & 21st.
I woke up today and having unbearable stomach pain & purging non-stop, this problem existed since Saturday, so we went to Clinic C4 again to have a jap to stop the symptom.  This is caused by the side effect of tomotherapy according to the Doctor in C4.
When we check in New Otani Hotel today we will have limited access to internet, therefore I may not update my blog as often as I could do in Chiba.
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, I would like to request for prayer for my treatment tomorrow. Please pray for God to prepare my heart, give me peace & calm. And during the treatment from 9am to 5pm, protect me & cover me in all situations, pray for the wisdom for the Doctor & nurses to handle the procedure smoothly, sucessfully, pray for no complication and everything will be finished accordingly without much suffering on me, pray that Lord will comfort me & give me confidence, give me strength. Pray for God's mercy upon me always.
Yesterday I attended my friend's Christmas Party at her Church called Hope Church, they have a great band & many good singers. The crowd is about 300, it was a pot blessed party, the church members brought a lot of varieties of food, it was just mouth watering. There was also performance from the children, youth and music performance. We had some games in between two. It was fun & enjoyable, the party finished at 3:30pm. I was tired and having stomach pain & purging after coming back to the hotel so I did not eat my dinner just had a little bit of plain porridge to ease the stomach pain.